Does starting an ADU feel like a daunting process? From permit processing to construction, there is a lot to consider when adding an ADU to your property. But you’re in luck! We have you covered from our initial consultation call, right up to the first pound of the hammer.
Here is how simple the process is for our clients:

Schedule a free consultation

We design the plans

Get ready to build
A Streamlined Design Experience For Your ADU
Want more details about what to expect during the ADU process? You’re in luck! We developed a seven-step ADU design methodology that walks you through what to expect when building an ADU.
In seven steps, you can go from “I want an ADU!” to approved permits in your hand and construction underway. Our team will take care of everything you need to start building your ADU.


Free Consultation
You have goals and ideas, and we want to know them. Together, we’ll go over all the details of your ADU project and provide you with a custom proposal.


Let’s Make it Official
It’s important to hire a designer who has ADU experience and knows the ins and outs of local zoning laws. When it’s all said and done, our goal is for you to have the best ADU for your property.
Talk to your lender
While your ADU plans are being drawn up, talk to your lender in order to secure financing. Your loan approval will help you further define your budget.


Design Plans Unveiled
After 1-2 months from the time we begin working together, you’ll meet with our design team to review your plans. The exact time your plans are in the design phase depends on several factors, including the complexity of your project.
Finalize Lending
By now, you want your financing secured through your lender so everything can continue moving forward.
Gather Contractor Estimates
Once you have full construction drawings, it’s time to talk to a contractor.


Review & Finalize Plans
It’s important to look your plans over carefully so we can finalize them before submitting them to the city for review. Making any changes to plans after submitting can cause delays in permit approvals, and no one wants delays.


Let’s Get the Permits
This part of Step 5 is all ours. We’ll work with your city’s building department to get your building permits approved.
Hire Your Contractor
Once your plans are approved, you’re ready to hire a contractor to start building.


Depending on the scope of your project, you can expect construction to last between 2-5 months.


Move In!
It’s time to celebrate and enjoy your ADU!
With our extensive ADU experience, we understand the ins and outs of ADU design and we stay up to date with ADU law changes to ensure that you are getting the best ADU design for your property.